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While not departing from BRX, I have finally decided that for my mobile laser tag business, I need a reliable system for running events to improve my customer experience and increase returning customers. For small events, BRX is fine, but I dont run many small events... Hence I need a change.

MODED BRX to run with SWAPTX Headset and run scoring headset software. Watch the video above to see how it works and if it is right for you. This is fantastic for up to 12 players and runs great. Expect more trouble the more players/taggers running over 12. Up to 32 max, but it is really rough at that point. Be sure to have fully charged batteries to prevent issues. After an hour of play, it is a good idea to shut everything off, then boot the host again then the rest of the taggers just to be sure that they don't all go crazy on you.

Regular BRX either Gen 1 or Gen 2 is all I have. Good working order. Rubber V2 Headset included, powered scope.

Just the same OEM phone bracket but barely used/cheaper

All equipment is verified to be in good working order prior to shipping. Shipping is NOT INCLUDED and will be invoiced to you after shipping of your order. I know for a fact that the products are in good working order, however they are used... the same issues with any used equipment may or may not exist that all BRX owners should be familiar with. Be aware that the modified BRX does not have IR emitters on the headsets. This takes away some features like splash damage, headset healing and respawns for some games/weapons/features that need a headset infrared emitter. Where something is gained, something is lost.

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